Owl Prowls
Published on Friday, November 17, 2017 — 9:18 am
Event Information
- Date
- Friday, March 16, 2018
- Time
- 6:00 pm
- Add to Your Calendar
Ages 5+
Registration required
Registration required

Watch a quick presentation on owls, then we’ll join a knowledgeable guide to go in search of some real life owls!
Assemble at Wilton Wildlife Preseve and Park (80 Scout Road, Gansvoort) for a presentation on owls followed by an Owl Prowl to listen for owls. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please dress for the weather and bring a flashlight and snowshoes if possible. Some loaners will be available. Facilitated by an Environmental and Conservation intern from Wilton Wildlife. Register for one prowl, or all of them! Register in the Children’s Room of the Saratoga Springs Public Library, or by calling (518) 584-7860 ext. 305.